Time management for the busy wholesale seller

Selling handicraft items wholesale is a big task. You need to make much more pieces that you did while you were only a retail seller. Also you have to keep delivering the orders in time so that your customers remain satisfied. Therefore, time management becomes very important so that you can keep creating beautiful products and delivering them within specified time.

Be smart

Time management does not always mean working faster than you used to it also means you have to work smarter than earlier. You can look up to sites that are directly related to your work. Keep a note on everything that you think is helpful. This will help you to get your work done in a better way within less time.

Hire people

As you enter into wholesale selling you will need help to keep pace with the orders you receive. You should hire people who have an idea of what you are doing so that you can delegate your workload to get things done faster. Routine and technical work delegation to others will help you to invest more time into the actual making of the product.

Think about your priorities

As your business gets bigger you need to think and work on your priorities. A businessperson has loads of work to do like- responding to mails, replying to phone calls etc. You will get stressed if you try doing everything at once. You should make a list on things that you need to do. Then see what are those that are not very necessary and cross them off. Get your workspace clean. It will help you freshen up and feel less strained. Always attend to the most urgent matter first which would help you to get an order finished on time efficiently.

Give complete attention

Time management is ultimately attention management. If you keep doing various tasks at the same time, no task will get done efficiently and your business will suffer. Therefore, it is better to give complete attention to one thing at a time. This will help you to get things done quickly and in a better way than before.

Create a schedule

Make a routine on the most important things that needs to be done today and plan your day around them. Writing down what needs to be done and dividing time for each task helps you not to forget things and keep track of the time. You should totally forget other internal and external distractions.

Take a break

If you keep working continuously you will do more harm than good. Your brain and body do need rest. No rest makes you do more errors, your creative ideas decline and you take more time to do a task than was scheduled. Your business will suffer and so will you. So, always take breaks, freshen up and then go for your tasks with renewed vigor.

Difficult things should be done first

Always do the toughest thing first. At the start of the day you will remain fresh and your mind will be clear. Doing the toughest thing will seem comparatively easier at that moment rather doing it later when other tasks will also occupy you.

A handicraft wholesale seller is always busy. But you need to keep the above points in mind so that you do not waste your time and end up harming yourself and your business. Join Its Handicraft as a wholesale seller and get advice and guidance from experts on everything related to your business.

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